For now though, I want to kick start this soon-to-be montage of my frame of mind with a review into Seven Pounds, the imminent blockbuster starring Will Smith. Like all big Hollywood stars, Smith is one of the attractive features of this heart-wrenching feature. Unlike many audience members however, I was attracted to it through the narrative. The development of which I must admit was slow at the best of times - this cannot be put at fault too much however, for Smith's character Ben Thomas is presented as simplistic and far from stable mentally.
Although unknown at the time, Thomas is the unlucky criminal throughout the film; a car crash being the heavy fine to pay for killing his wife, whilst in the process disabling to some extent seven innocent victims. Over two hours later, and the climax of the film reflects upon Thomas' evaluation of putting things right - the final sequence promises to be one of emotion and heartache, the heart strings in even the most faceless figures bound to be pulled in one way or another.
The thing that struck me most about this film is Smith's seemingly indestructible acting style. His choice of feature films ensure his resume to be one of prestigious measure. Since his almost-forgotten 1995 hit film Bad Boys, Smith has transformed into an impressive force; two of his latest films, Seven Pounds and The Pursuit of Happiness (2006) conveying Smith's characters as good-willed Samaritans. Often overcast by reviewers and journalists alike, Smith is one of the few famous actors who is fearless to voice opinions.
Perhaps farfetched from my original intention of posting a blog, I realise I have wandered off track. However, as thoughts enter the mind, pen and paper are of vital importance (for the time being at least, whilst print is not yet a thing of the past). With a presentation in Film Studies almost presentable, focused on the representation of race and racism, and several difficult choices to make that affect my further education to a high degree, my mindset is often found wandering in several different directions.
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