Being a holiday spot though, Bournemouth gets busy. Very, very busy. Luckily, with a few adventurous mates and a few tour-guide-esque characters, we took a recent day trip to Shell Bay - a more secluded, if not slightly romantic, beach just off Sandbanks - where we found our own little spot to hang out for the day. By spot, I mean a sort of deserted sand-crater the size of a quarter-football pitch, and by hang out I mean a perfect combination of ice-cold beers, frisbees, american footballs, volleyballs, and a touch of suncream thrown into the mix.
Unsuprisingly, everyone caught the sun that day; some to the extent of lathering bucket-loads of aloe vera all over their reddish skin as a method of asking the tanning Gods of penance for that day. Next morning, everyone looked golden brown, and it was visible to everyone but that person that they'd caught a healthy dose of the sun.
Since then, revision has been put on hold momentarily as anyone and everyone heads for the beach in anticipation for summer.
Fair - Bournemouth is immense. I couldn't wish for a better place to "study", and definitely doubt I could find another university that has the beach we do in our possession. Nottingham? Not quite. Birmingham? Bugger off! No, I'm definitely happy I chose where I did.
Bournemouth has got me thinking about summer, in particular my holiday. 10 days in (even more) sunny Lanzarote, camped out on soft sunbeds, under beach huts, and swimming lengths in the 40m swimming pool whilst sipping complimentary cocktails is definitely the life I want to lead. In just over two months, I'll be there, and I cannot wait.
This summer is going to be incredible. The sun's set to stay (although, the way us students dress, anyone could mistake it being out as mid-February with all the swim shorts and sandals floating about), the wind and rain have finally disappeared, exams are all but over, and I've now got a healthy three or four months to reap the benefits.
Roll on the good times.
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