At the time - as I'm sure most children felt - I was scared for my life at this mascot. But now it's plain to see he was just doing his job, and I can't fault the man in the bird costume for trying to lift the crowd before their team ran out on the pitch, savouring the moment a stadium full of fans would sing their praises. Chirpy served as the perfect pre-game booster, and without him there wouldn't be near as much anticipation and pre-game 'buzz' ringing around the stadium.
The thing is, us Brits love doing things half-hearted. Mascots and entertainment are no exceptions. Since being a youngster, sat in the corner of the stadium and virtually tucked away into nothingness, I can't remember the last time I saw Chirpy anywhere near the pitch. To put this in perspective, I've been a season ticket holder for 4 years - that's 72 games, and 72 chances to see a man dressed in a cockerel outfit prancing around the field. I didn't.
Pre-game entertainment across the pond is as big as the game itself. The NFL's Superbowl is designated a day in America, it's that big - not to mention its half-time show (show!) attracting such big names as Madonna, Nicki Minaj and The Black Eyed Peas. NBA often also give fans the chance to win thousands of dollars by shooting hoops. Every NFL team has a mascot, fleets of cheerleaders flock to centre circles in fields and courts nationwide shaking pom poms to adorning fans, and the omission of a marching band along the bleachers is virtually unheard of.
TV audiences would sky-rocket whilst tickets would no doubt sell like hot cakes if this were applicable in the UK. The cliche 'everything's bigger in America' has never been more suited than here, but quite rightly in this matter. I know for sure if my favourite team's pitch was invaded for 15 minutes before the match and 15 minutes during half-time for a piece of entertainment perfection I would definitely skip the queues for the pies. In a society driven off entertainment, constantly striving for new thrills and experiences that last a lifetime, half-time and pre-game shows would be a terrific start. All it would probably take is a slightly higher ticket price, and when my favourite football team charge upwards of £50 for a ticket as it is, a few pounds extra would hardly detract me from picking up the phone and booking my seat, that's for sure.
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