Well, skip a good few months, a few holidays, binges, neglection of fitness, and I find myself doing 4 mile runs consecutively. Sure, I can do more, and I realise that whilst writing this I haven't been running today since I was too cold at 6.45am to wake up and run (No worries though, tonight I'll wear socks to bed to aid this), but that said, I still love it!
I've got a gym membership, albeit with a god-awful picture of me, half-dead after running to the gym - hair a mess, sweat dripping down my face, you get the picture... I'm going to cancel this membership, just because I don't use it. The plan was to make it a monthly bill, and go everyday so I could tone up for my trip to Hollywood last month, but that only happened when I got a lift to the gym (defeating the purpose of exercise entirely). However, I have free weights in my bedroom, and miles upon miles of open road to eat up - something I intend to do daily by the start of April.
I did a quiz earlier today (Facebook applications are severly dropping in quality) and there was a question that I got wrong about walking. "The average person walks how many times around the equator in their lifetime?"... I guessed 2, since it was the smallest number, and the world is preeetty big after all. The correct answer? 5.... 5! That is alot of walking! (Roughly 24,901 miles ... times that by 5, and that is a pretty big number I'm sure you'll agree)
Luckily, my phone has a calculator, so will save myself the headache...
In the next 61 working days, I would have notched around 567.3miles.
In the next 61 working days, I would have notched around 152.5miles, running.
Following on from this, if I carry on my daily routine as I am currently doing, it would *only* take me 2,677.5 days to walk around the equator once. So to walk around the equator five times like the average person, I would have to continue doing what I'm doing for *only* 13,387.6 days.
So as long as I can stay alive for 36 years and 7 months, I would have achieved my target!
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