Our traditional end of year 13 pub crawl went of last night without a hitch. Not even the gorilla suits, school wars, fights and road blocks would stop our tracks, and the cab home wasn't even a messy one. All in all, a perfect night.
What's even better, is the £41.50 I withdrew (stupid pub cash machine charging £1.50 per withdrawal) I will mostly earn back tomorrow. I'll hopefully manage a game of tennis, a shower, two meals, and two train journeys before work at 1pm, which could prove challenging. The only downside is that I'm a die hard Yid, and the team I'd hate to work for the most would be Arsenal FC. The job I'm doing tomorrow is work at ... Arsenal FC. Great!
This is my second catering job in as many weeks now, having only been employed for a total of 16 days I've already turned down work 3-4 times and accepted twice. Things are looking up for me, just in time to begin saving the coppers in my pre-university piggy bank.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Work experience success
Got a minute? Head over to http://www.leytonorient.com/page/NewsDetail/0,,10439~1655002,00.html and get reading!
Why? Because I can proudly announce that this little article, published on 12th May 2009, is my first published article on another website. Hopefully this will slowly progress into building a portfolio of similar work for later life, but for now I'm frankly chuffed to bits that my work has been published on a site, however small it may be.
Come on you O's!
Why? Because I can proudly announce that this little article, published on 12th May 2009, is my first published article on another website. Hopefully this will slowly progress into building a portfolio of similar work for later life, but for now I'm frankly chuffed to bits that my work has been published on a site, however small it may be.
Come on you O's!
Running blind as of late...
Lately I've been slacking on my blog, mainly due to exam stress and finding time to fit everything in. Until June 20th hits, I will be bogged down by pages upon pages of exam notes, techniques and exam practice... A fun month awaits me in other words.
I've finally got around to purchasing a new pair of running shoes - a pair of Nike Zoom Structure Triax+, and with a title like that they must be created by God (Also, with an £80 price tag, I really hope angels hand stitched them; either that, or I got ripped off)
I've taken them for a run, 6.8miles around Buckhurst Hill again. The course is now my usual run, and although I haven't been/won't be reporting on my exercise as much for a while, I can assure you that I will still be doing 3/4 runs a week, all at least 6 miles, with a 9miler or thereabouts on the weekend.
Also... more work experience news! ...
I've finally got around to purchasing a new pair of running shoes - a pair of Nike Zoom Structure Triax+, and with a title like that they must be created by God (Also, with an £80 price tag, I really hope angels hand stitched them; either that, or I got ripped off)
I've taken them for a run, 6.8miles around Buckhurst Hill again. The course is now my usual run, and although I haven't been/won't be reporting on my exercise as much for a while, I can assure you that I will still be doing 3/4 runs a week, all at least 6 miles, with a 9miler or thereabouts on the weekend.
Also... more work experience news! ...
Friday, 8 May 2009
Training Log - Thursday 7th May
A day late since I had to write an essay for a lesson today...
I ran to Buckhurst Hill again, completing 6.6miles like my other Buckhurst Hill run last week. It felt good; I ran a little faster than normal and was more out of breath, but didn't get a cramp so kept the pace. Once I wanted to stop, but didn't, round about the 5mile mark, so hopefully this will build out of my system in the next month or so.
I'm aiming to do a similar run this weekend as last, so my goal will be Loughton again, targetting 8miles.
I ran to Buckhurst Hill again, completing 6.6miles like my other Buckhurst Hill run last week. It felt good; I ran a little faster than normal and was more out of breath, but didn't get a cramp so kept the pace. Once I wanted to stop, but didn't, round about the 5mile mark, so hopefully this will build out of my system in the next month or so.
I'm aiming to do a similar run this weekend as last, so my goal will be Loughton again, targetting 8miles.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Training Log - Tuesday 5th May
I managed to run to Buckhurst Hill and back today, leaving my oyster card at home this time. To be honest, this was probably one of my hardest runs long-distance. I'd walked to college and back, which is a good 3 miles, the same morning and only stopped for a few minutes to get changed and warmed up, so my legs were pretty tired.
That said, I'm still to actually slow during a run to a walking pace - when I drink water I slow down, besides this I run normal speed. I think I ran faster today, it felt like a busted a gut doing this run rather than a casual jogging speed I usually adapt.
Not sure if I'll do the same run this week, the timing means it clashed with school times - I passed a lot of students and this makes me lose focus on my running, so I'll either avoid the route or the time, not sure which yet.
That said, I'm still to actually slow during a run to a walking pace - when I drink water I slow down, besides this I run normal speed. I think I ran faster today, it felt like a busted a gut doing this run rather than a casual jogging speed I usually adapt.
Not sure if I'll do the same run this week, the timing means it clashed with school times - I passed a lot of students and this makes me lose focus on my running, so I'll either avoid the route or the time, not sure which yet.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Training Log - Week 1 Overview
This week, I've ran 26.3miles in 4 sessions. This averages at 6.6miles a session - not bad for my first week compared to my usual 4mile run!
Training Log - Sunday 3rd May
By far my most successful day today. I was planning on having a bigger run today and planned out a route on Google Maps that would take me from Highams Park to Loughton and back - A 4.1mile journey each way.
Optimistically, I prepped myself for the run, and more realistically wrote on Facebook that I was stupid for swimming out of my depth.
Since it was wet, I couldn't use a shortcut across a golf course, so ran the long way up a huge hill to get to Woodford. This was the first time I was properly panting, although I only panted three times, during this and two other steep hills. I didn't stop once, and got my breath back by running slightly slower to compensate.
Overall the run felt really good. I'm not too tired - more than normal but this was expected - and if anything feel like I would after a tennis match. By tomorrow I'll be refreshed, and might do a slightly smaller 5mile run or thereabouts.
Today I ran a new route - flatter, and more entertaining - and I'll need to keep doing this to maintain I don't get bored or tired.
Optimistically, I prepped myself for the run, and more realistically wrote on Facebook that I was stupid for swimming out of my depth.
Since it was wet, I couldn't use a shortcut across a golf course, so ran the long way up a huge hill to get to Woodford. This was the first time I was properly panting, although I only panted three times, during this and two other steep hills. I didn't stop once, and got my breath back by running slightly slower to compensate.
Overall the run felt really good. I'm not too tired - more than normal but this was expected - and if anything feel like I would after a tennis match. By tomorrow I'll be refreshed, and might do a slightly smaller 5mile run or thereabouts.
Today I ran a new route - flatter, and more entertaining - and I'll need to keep doing this to maintain I don't get bored or tired.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Training Log - Saturday 2nd May
Friday was a rest day, so I didn't run. Instead I walked to school the long way twice, clocking up about 4miles.
It's worth pointing out that my walk to school is around 1.5miles, and I usually do this twice a day. On Thursday, I walked once and got the bus once, saving my energy for my run. Although I ran more, I didn't feel like I'd done as much exercise as intended, so I'm a little unsure about what to do. Having said this, in 3 weeks I finish college, and will therefore hardly ever walk to school besides for exams. So I'm not too bothered about saving energy right now since it'll change soon.
I'm also not running today, although the constant sun and shorts and t-shirt weather that we have is making it pretty hard not to quickly get changed and stretch my legs.
Instead, I'm playing a tennis match with my dad at 1pm for two hours. Usually I get a pretty good run around, and after the 90minute mark am usually mentally and physically drained. This said, this is exercise plenty.
Tomorrow I'll try and do 5 loops (~7miles), or find a completely different route around my area since a few shop owners are making me paranoid!
It's worth pointing out that my walk to school is around 1.5miles, and I usually do this twice a day. On Thursday, I walked once and got the bus once, saving my energy for my run. Although I ran more, I didn't feel like I'd done as much exercise as intended, so I'm a little unsure about what to do. Having said this, in 3 weeks I finish college, and will therefore hardly ever walk to school besides for exams. So I'm not too bothered about saving energy right now since it'll change soon.
I'm also not running today, although the constant sun and shorts and t-shirt weather that we have is making it pretty hard not to quickly get changed and stretch my legs.
Instead, I'm playing a tennis match with my dad at 1pm for two hours. Usually I get a pretty good run around, and after the 90minute mark am usually mentally and physically drained. This said, this is exercise plenty.
Tomorrow I'll try and do 5 loops (~7miles), or find a completely different route around my area since a few shop owners are making me paranoid!
Training Log - Thursday 30th April
Thursday was a little different, since my sister came running with me for my first loop.
Recently I've been giving her advice about running, since she's pretty new at it (this was her first public run) and is training for the Race for Life.
It felt pretty good running with her, although on my second lap I slowed down a bit as she ran a little faster than I wanted to, and I'd been talking meaning my breathing pattern was slightly off.
I managed to do 4 laps for the second time, and I didn't feel as tired when I finished as I did on the Monday - which is great since it shows a good progress in such little time!
I had a running partner for some of my laps too, since a little girl of about 7 or 8 kept running with me for a stretch between shops before she stopped to find her parents again. In a weird way, this kept me wanting to do more just to race her again.
I ate my dinner on the Thursday at around 5pm, and ran at 6.30pm, thinking this would be better than eating on an empty stomach. It wasn't. I got a slight stitch in my stomach on my first two laps, and since I'd properly warmed up beforehand I knew it was through not leaving enough time between meals and exercise. Something to remember for the future.
Recently I've been giving her advice about running, since she's pretty new at it (this was her first public run) and is training for the Race for Life.
It felt pretty good running with her, although on my second lap I slowed down a bit as she ran a little faster than I wanted to, and I'd been talking meaning my breathing pattern was slightly off.
I managed to do 4 laps for the second time, and I didn't feel as tired when I finished as I did on the Monday - which is great since it shows a good progress in such little time!
I had a running partner for some of my laps too, since a little girl of about 7 or 8 kept running with me for a stretch between shops before she stopped to find her parents again. In a weird way, this kept me wanting to do more just to race her again.
I ate my dinner on the Thursday at around 5pm, and ran at 6.30pm, thinking this would be better than eating on an empty stomach. It wasn't. I got a slight stitch in my stomach on my first two laps, and since I'd properly warmed up beforehand I knew it was through not leaving enough time between meals and exercise. Something to remember for the future.
Training Log - Tuesday 28th April
My second run on the Tuesday consisted of slightly less - 3 loops plus the journey there and back rather than the previous 4.
It felt good, easier if anything, and I didn't feel too out of breath to physically stop. This time I ran for about 45minutes (yesterday, I forgot to mention, I ran for 1hr 5mins). A relatively slow pace but this was since I hadn't been running for a week or so and didn't want to try too much too soon.
Planning my diet helped a lot too, and the usual stitch that I suffer since I drink too much water before/during exercise didn't come. I read on Runner's World that you only need to drink as much water as you lose through sweat, so if I felt particularly sweaty, I'd take a small swig of water and slow down temporarily.
It felt good, easier if anything, and I didn't feel too out of breath to physically stop. This time I ran for about 45minutes (yesterday, I forgot to mention, I ran for 1hr 5mins). A relatively slow pace but this was since I hadn't been running for a week or so and didn't want to try too much too soon.
Planning my diet helped a lot too, and the usual stitch that I suffer since I drink too much water before/during exercise didn't come. I read on Runner's World that you only need to drink as much water as you lose through sweat, so if I felt particularly sweaty, I'd take a small swig of water and slow down temporarily.
Training Log - Monday 27th April
I started training properly this Monday, with focus on my nutrition and preparation for a run making me feel a hell of a lot better than I usually run. This could be because of the time I ran (4.30pm) and didn't want to stop as people were going home from work, watching me. It could be because I used earphones for the first time, so my music pumped me up a surprising amount more than usual. It could also be my own motivation; having just decided to do a half marathon I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.
There's a circuit that I ran this week in my area, which is a 1.3mile loop according to Google Maps. I wanted to run this twice (before finding out it was only 1.3miles) and then go home, which is another 0.3miles (so 0.6 in total to get to the loop and back). However, I drove myself to actually do 4 laps - double what I had planned. I got home pretty tired, but to be honest my feet hurt more than my legs, which in a twisted way is good (since this can be overcome easier).
There's a circuit that I ran this week in my area, which is a 1.3mile loop according to Google Maps. I wanted to run this twice (before finding out it was only 1.3miles) and then go home, which is another 0.3miles (so 0.6 in total to get to the loop and back). However, I drove myself to actually do 4 laps - double what I had planned. I got home pretty tired, but to be honest my feet hurt more than my legs, which in a twisted way is good (since this can be overcome easier).
Stupidity or dedication?
In the words of Henry Ford "there is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something". This said, I have decided to do something I never thought I would do.
Running has been a very on/off hobby of mine to be completely honest, with my first 3mile run on 24th December 2006, and my latest casual run still only clocking 4.5miles two weeks ago.
As most people probably would have, I watched the London marathon last week, and decided to sign myself up for a competitive run. My sister has recently signed up to do the Cancer Research Race for Life, a 5km (~3miles) run around London's Hyde Park, so I was hoping to do a run a little further than this. I looked for 10km runs, but since I could already do 4.5miles, it wouldn't involve much training, so skipped this and looked for something further...
I then came across Run to the Beat, a musical half marathon (13.1miles ~ 20km) set in Greenwich, in and around the O2 Arena. At the time, this seemed mad but the spur of the moment thought spurred me into finding and emailing FSID, a charity geared towards the study of infant deaths. They happily obliged to me running for them, and my fundraising kit is in the post now.
Skip a week later, and I've raised £55 so far (not the best I know, but since the race is in September, it's not too shabby at all), as well as owning a Facebook group with 120+ members supporting me.
If I bottle out now, I'll look like a loser. Which is fantastic, because it forces me to run.
Over the coming months, I will (time permitting of course) be posting training updates for all to see, and hopefully build a little more awareness albeit by one or two people. Plus, you get to think about the amount of sweat I'll be losing whilst you get to put your feet up. Incentive enough?
Running has been a very on/off hobby of mine to be completely honest, with my first 3mile run on 24th December 2006, and my latest casual run still only clocking 4.5miles two weeks ago.
As most people probably would have, I watched the London marathon last week, and decided to sign myself up for a competitive run. My sister has recently signed up to do the Cancer Research Race for Life, a 5km (~3miles) run around London's Hyde Park, so I was hoping to do a run a little further than this. I looked for 10km runs, but since I could already do 4.5miles, it wouldn't involve much training, so skipped this and looked for something further...

I then came across Run to the Beat, a musical half marathon (13.1miles ~ 20km) set in Greenwich, in and around the O2 Arena. At the time, this seemed mad but the spur of the moment thought spurred me into finding and emailing FSID, a charity geared towards the study of infant deaths. They happily obliged to me running for them, and my fundraising kit is in the post now.
Skip a week later, and I've raised £55 so far (not the best I know, but since the race is in September, it's not too shabby at all), as well as owning a Facebook group with 120+ members supporting me.
If I bottle out now, I'll look like a loser. Which is fantastic, because it forces me to run.
Over the coming months, I will (time permitting of course) be posting training updates for all to see, and hopefully build a little more awareness albeit by one or two people. Plus, you get to think about the amount of sweat I'll be losing whilst you get to put your feet up. Incentive enough?
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